Astrum Opus on Substack
I'm a co-founder and one of several passionate hearts and minds exploring the divine work of the stars on Substack, a network for independent writers.
Astrum Opus is an astro-zine, originally developed by a small sisterhood of astrology students. Dreaming of a poetic approach to our beloved ancient craft, we offer new and full moon forecasts, including ritual suggestions, meditations, chart explorations, the Sun’s journey through the zodiac, original art, and more... ​
My sistars and I work hard to build a community for beginning students as well as for seasoned professionals. That's why we organize live events, such as AO Salon and AstroExplore. We are forever changing and growing and invite YOU to join us!
Michelle, Neva, Liz, Saffron, Alison, Heather
What We Offer
Free Subscribers - We are committed to providing all our written content free to all subscribers, delivered to your inbox every Wednesday.
Astro Salon - a bi-monthly Zoom gathering dedicated to discussing specific astrological topics.
Monthly Paid Subscribers – For only $5 per month, we offer all the free content above plus the following perks:
Discounts on readings, classes, or workshops.
Astro-tarot spreads crafted to resonate with the themes and astrological nuances at the solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter days—a powerful tool in your journey through the cosmic rhythms of the year.
Yearly Paid subscribers – For $55 per year, we offer all free content and paid perks above, plus the following:
Original digital art work by one of the AO sistars based on your natal chart. 300 DPI file for print provided.
Astro Explore! - A unique opportunity to learn about your natal chart with two AO staff and a small group of participants. Offered six times per year on Zoom.
Come and take a look and consider joining Astrum Opus by clicking on the link below!